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来源:北欧华人网 录入时间:23-07-29 08:54:26

itical, economic, cultural and other fields at various levels have been highly fruitful, and have brought tangible benefits to the two peoples. As the Ambassador, I have the duty to uphold the spirit of “crossing the river in the same boat”, together with my colleagues at the Embassy and friends from Sweden, to promote the continuous development of friendly exchanges and cooperation in all areas between China and Sweden.

It has always been our firm belief that a world of unity rather than division and of peace rather than turmoil, is in the common interest of all humanity. China is willing to work with all peace-loving and development-oriented members of the international community including Sweden, to jointly respond to all kinds of security challenges, and make new contributions to safeguarding world peace and stability.
Let us raise our glasses for the 96th birthday of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, for the friendship between the Chinese and Swedish militaries, and for the peace and stability of the world. Gan bei (Cheers).
Thank you.
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