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来源: 录入时间:24-03-30 19:46:17


汇天下华裔英才 聚温大智创未来



Overseas Chinese Studies

Master Degree Program Admissions

Brochure for Chinese Descent


学校简介 About WZU



学校积极开展来华留学教育。1997年获批留学生招生资格,现有来自近90个国家的700余名在读国际学生。学校以“得天下英才而育之,培养世界温州通;融温大英才于全球,赋能温州通世界”为宗旨,主动对接国家“一带一路”倡议,服务温州“千年商港· 幸福温州”建设。

Surrounded by scenic mountains, vast waterways and the heart of a vibrant coastal city, Wenzhou University (WZU) provides unparalleled educational opportunities for students who wish to study in a rich cultural environment and benefit from a strong academic tradition.WZU offers 54 undergraduate, 32 master’s and 1 doctoral programs in 20 colleges and schools, covering 11 disciplines such as arts, science, engineering, law, education, business, history, management and fine arts.

The university has always been committed to the education of international students, and all undergraduate and postgraduate programs are open to international students. Recognizing the limited Chinese proficiency of some international applicants, WZU offers courses taught exclusively in English at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These special programs provide rich opportunities for international students to acquire highly specialized knowledge while gaining a better understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

WZU’s College of International Education was established in 2006 with the educational philosophy of “Amazing WZUers: Bringing the world, connecting Wenzhou with the world”. Currently, WZU has a mix of international students from 90 countries, including the USA, Italy, Russia, Thailand and Indonesia. Our graduates are employed all over the world, and the number of those working or starting businesses in Wenzhou is steadily increasing.


学院简介 About The College of Overseas Chinese




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