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来源: 录入时间:24-03-30 19:46:17

ch as the immigration history of Overseas Chinese; the social and cultural history of Overseas Chinese communities; the regional social history of hometowns; Overseas Chinese associations; Chinese schools, media, and ethnic groups; ethnic relations; immigration; and diaspora policies.  Regarding research methods, emphasis is placed on collecting and excavating primary historical documents, conducting social surveys and oral history research, and paying attention to the borrowing and dialogue of theories from related disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, and political science.


Chinese Language Education


Focusing on Europe, this field carries out overseas Chinese language education, teaching, and theoretical research, with global Chinese schools and overseas Chinese youth as research subjects.  It explores the development status and trends of Chinese language schools, overseas cultural transmission, Chinese identity recognition, the development of information technology for Chinese language education, the quality evaluation of Chinese language education teaching, and the construction of databases for Chinese language schools.  By further expanding overseas research bases and building a collaborative platform for Chinese language education domestically and internationally, establishing a database of case studies in Chinese language education, and constructing a theoretical system for the assessment of Chinese language schools, this field aims to promote the innovative development of Chinese language education.


Chinese Merchant Economy


The Overseas Chinese interact closely with the economy of their hometowns and are the most active region for Chinese merchant capital.  In 2020, Wenzhou was approved as the “Pilot Zone for Comprehensive Development of Chinese Merchants and Overseas Chinese in China.”  This field will be based on the economic and social development needs of Zhejiang and Wenzhou, researching Overseas Chinese merchants, enterprises, capital, and investment management under economic theory and methodology.  It involves the study of Overseas Chinese economy and its interaction with local economic and social development, as well as the role of Chinese merchants in domestic an

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